Mountain Valley Pipeline Action Resources


More information and links on how to take action against Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, PNC, Citigroup, and other financial institutions that provide capital to this 300 mile-long climate killer.


More Info

Check out these websites for more details and share them with your friends and family:

Protect Our Water, Heritage Rights

Oil Change International’s 2020 Report

Stop the Money Pipeline

How to Divest

For advice on where and how to move your money away from financial institutions backing the pipeline, go here.

When you leave, write a letter to your bank’s managers and executives to tell them why.

Get Involved

Take more action against the MVP, such as signing petitions and sharing pre-crafted messages on your social accounts, with the Sierra Club.

Check out Charlottesville DSA and organize with our Ecosocialist Committee to fight for our future and the future of our planet.